COMPUTER WIZ: Download Sims 3 : Monte Vista for Free

Download Sims 3 : Monte Vista for Free

[Download & Installation Tips]
Hi again from C.W. today I'm going to give you some ''tips'' on how to Download and Install the exciting new expansion pack for Sims 3 which is -Monte Vista- this new expansion pack will give you a new place to explore which as I read is full of money and hot villas all for you!

            or follow the instructions below!


  1. As I always say in order to download a torrent you must have a torrent downloader. You can Download one of the best and of course free form ->HERE
  2. After you install it if you haven't already done so click
  3. here to Download the game ->HERE
  4. Then once you have completed downloading it you - Just double click and Install the Sims3Pack. File*
  5. Enjoy!
If You Liked my Article Press Like [doesn't cost anything does it?]

*You may need to read these articles if you don't know how to 


  1. My lancher doesn't want to install Monte Vista. I mean when i install it nothing happens. Please, help!!!!!!!

    1. You mean that the computer doesn't install it or that after you install it, it doesn't play the game?
