COMPUTER WIZ: How to Become a Hacker # 4 - Tips & getting started

How to Become a Hacker # 4 - Tips & getting started

Now that you have some knowledge about computer stuff you might be thinking "Now what do I do?". Well I will give you some useful tips that you might don't know.

If you haven't read the previous article 


1) Never trust "others" with personal information such as your email, passwords, location, age etc.

2) Always use strong (long-complex) passwords that do not
exist in a dictionary (also put numbers & symbols)

3) Put different passwords in fb, twitter, email, websites, forums etc (never put your email password somewhere else)

4) Keep in mind that you leave a track anywhere you go so don't go and try illegal things unless you have an "dynamic ip" or a program that changes your ip rather than use your own.

5) If you have ANY question feel free to ask Google, trust me see has the answer to everything!

6) I recommend as an +extra tool to put Ghostery if you have Google Chrome. This extension will block almost any advertisement!


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